

  • updated film diary
  • updated cd collection
  • updated copyheart license at bottom of index
  • added strawpage response


  • danganronpa wiki home
  • danganronpa wiki faq
  • danganronpa wiki sitemap
  • danganronpa wiki read
  • danganronpa wiki thh
  • danganronpa wiki dr0 chapter 1
  • updated sitemap
  • lots of updates to dramione page
  • started film diary
  • started vocaloid page
  • started danganronpa rambling page


  • updated to v2!!


  • added Big Shark


  • added the links page & worked on it
  • updated the sitemap


  • added the music page
  • added the dysphoria page
  • added those pages to sitemap
  • changed the font on the image map
  • wrote more on my about me as well as updated the to-do on index


  • added a bunch of pages to the darkside
  • added the piclog tracker
  • added the statuscafe updates
  • added the strawpage -page
  • fixed a broken link on komaeda page
  • put our meeting on sitemap
  • copied and formatted my chiaki analysis onto a new page
  • added chiaki link to the character directory
  • added chiaki link to sitemap
  • miscellaneous updates (i think thats it)


  • change the div background on index
  • change the background on gallery


    moving some random graphics littered around the homepage to the gallery page;
    adding THIS update log,
    and otherwise changing stuff around on the landing page!