[rambling abt movie called zero day. yes some of this is reciting lines from memory. shh.]

> my name is andre kriegman.

> and i am cal gabriel!

and we are the army of two! (heaugh!)

this is.. our school, located in our town.

it is our nemesis.

we will enact a series of missions, followed by one big-ass mission called-

ZERO DAY! (heh)

i like this movie bc:

  • not real
  • depressing
  • good movie
  • i found it during my columbine rabbit hole of tragedy. zd isnt fully based off it, it has similarities but its not the same.

    i see myself in the shoes of both the shooters and the victims. and that scares me. just know i truly do realize the shooters are both evil evil people.

    i think if i hadnt gotten help i could've turned out hurting people. and sometimes i still want to. but those are intrusive thoughts,, and i have resources, and i truly do not want to do that. and i wont.

    its just nice to talk about it sometimes. without feeling as sick to my stomach and alienated.

    btw if u think this movie is glorifying school shooters by showing it from their perspective you're actually media illiterate. this is a genuine plea, please reexamine yourself.

  • the tapes are from THEIR PERSPECTIVE, of course they're gonna be shown in a positive light
  • u should come to the conclusion that they're bad on ur own, do u really want the producers to write as a footnote: btw they're bad people!!! you should draw that conclusion yourself.
  • if u need media analysis to be spoonfed to u by the director/author/etc please. pleasepleaseplease seek help and i mean that so genuinely.