
tip: click around the image below to navigate!

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welcome to my LAIR!! (yes thats a reference to Kaga Kusha from Yansim)

this site is a passion project! proceed with caution ♡

hiii! i'm star and i'm just another person who really doesn't like modern social media. recently i've been much more active on neocities, which has made me MUCH happier. i'm here for that, but i also just like rambling into the void. and even if this DOES have following mechanics, i dont get very stressed about it because when someone follows, it means that they genuinely like my ideas and are interested! at least, i hope it does. anyway, i'm just a nerd rambling on the internet.

about the site

i dont care about being old web or invoking a false sense of nostalgia; i just like what i like, and i like webweaving. i like thinking about the artistic endeavors i do. i like making a community and place of my own. this is a place of self expression, not of "-core"s or "aesthetics".

latest piclog:


  • re-do the site buttons on the image map

  • find a background for the gallery

  • find a background for the homepage

  • add more to my about me aside from a rant about pronouns

  • work on my komaeda page

  • add a page about "problematic" fiction i enjoy

  • add an organized page for my art with descriptions and stuff.

♡2022-2024 by melancholic-entrails. Copying is an act of love. Please copy. EXCLUDING AI.